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Sunday, May 13, 2012

You know I cried :(

Happy mothers day! Mothers that when they are wrong, they are always right. Hahaha ;)
Thanks for the love, cares, happiness u give me. You are a present from god.

Tears, I know you'll come again someday. :(

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Moms day

Friday, May 4, 2012

God if you are really up there, can you take me with you?

I am sitting while crying a river
Thinking why should be in this family? For what does god make me appear if I'm useless. You see? Nobody care about me. Nobody see me. I'm invisible. They only see me when they need something from me.

I wanna disappear god. Please take me to your home, at least I can forget who I am.
I don't want beauty, I don't want clever, I only want to die.

I'm so desperate. I'm stressed with my life.
Nothing is nice about my life. Why god? Why?
I really want to jump from the third floor of my house. Maybe with that way I can see you god.

Am I really your sheep? For which I was lost in the middle of this naive world.
No save me from this hell.

I hope you care.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Down on the earth