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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ten Tips to Avoid Colds and Flu Symptoms

Everyone dreads a cold or flu symptoms. The cold and flu season has arrived and according to all accounts it's a rough one. Here are ten simple tips; ten healthy habits that will help you avoid colds and flu symptoms.
  1. Bar soap is a perfect breeding ground for viruses and bacteria. Wash your hands frequently with liquid antibacterial soap instead of bar soap.
  2. Don't share drinking glasses. Instead, use disposable cups in the kitchen and bathroom, using each cup only once and then disposing.
  3. Use disposable tissues when blowing your nose; use each tissue once, throw it away then wash your hands thoroughly.
  4. Colds and flu are often spread by hand-to-hand contact. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth after being exposed to viruses or bacteria.
  5. Bacteria and viruses can live on hand towels and sponges for hours. Use disposable paper napkins and towels in the kitchen.
  6. To kill bacteria and viruses, wash toys regularly in warm, soapy water.
  7. If you have to sneeze and a tissue is unavailable, sneeze into your shoulder not your hands to avoid spreading germs.
  8. Frequently clean surfaces such as stair rails, telephones, counter tops and door knobs to avoid hand-to-hand spread of viruses.
  9. Germs remain in stagnant air; open windows when weather permits to circulate fresh air.
  10. Avoid smoking at home. Smoking is a respiratory irritant that increases susceptibility to viruses that cause colds and the flu.

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